On Tuesday afternoon, the creators of Denis Villeneuve's Dune: Part Two released the film's first trailer. On the official Dune Twitter account, a new teaser was also made available along with the sequel's official poster. The brief footage begins with a masked man, purportedly Paul Atreides played by Timothee Chalamet, placing a bomb-like object into a sand dune. It seems from the sight that he is frantically luring out a sandworm. As the credits roll down after the person retreats, the explosion gives moviegoers a brief glimpse of the entire cast, including a bald Austin Butler.
What's even more thrilling is that the filmmakers have announced the sequel's first official trailer will debut today. The next episode will go more into Paul Atreides' quest as he reunites with Chani played by Zendaya and rallies the Feremen to get revenge on the plotters who killed his family. Paul Atreides fights to avert a terrible future when faced with a choice between the destiny of the universe and the love of his life. In addition to Chalamet, Zendaya, Dave Bautista, and Javier Bardem returning to the cast, Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, Christopher Walken, and Lea Seydoux are among the newcomers.
Princess Irulan, played by Florence Pugh, is the daughter of the galactic ruler supreme and worries that he is about to lose the kingdom. Another new character, the dangerous Harkonnen Prince Feyd-Rautha created by Austin Butler, a bald guy who is a crazy psychopath and a serial murderer, aids in the collapse.
In the first film, Chalamet's prince Atreidas escapes the House Harkonnen's deadly onslaught and is exiled to the lifeless dunes of the planet Arrakis. He finds Chani there, the lady of his dreams, and she invites him to join her Fremen clan. Before the story comes to an end, Atriedes is seen attempting to control sandworms, which the tribe believes to be god-like, in order to transform them into full-fledged Fremen.
Atriedes must ride one of the creatures in order to fulfill his ambition to become a powerful monarch, but the consequences of failure might be fatal. In the sequel, viewers will see a titanic struggle between opposing powers.
On November 3, Dune: Part Two will be released on DVD.